| 27th Jun 2023 | 3 Min. To Read
Many interactions with a business will require some form of authentication. For example, those hiring new employees must carry out a series of background checks depending on the role. Similarly,...
| 20th Jun 2023 | 3 Min. To Read
Every business wants to avoid fraud, but the complex methods used by fraudsters can sometimes make this difficult. Fortunately, there are some steps that can be taken to ensure it...
| 2nd May 2023 | 3 Min. To Read
A business may need to verify the background of customers or employees, but conventional methods can be dated and take some time. Fortunately, liveness checks can ensure that a business...
| 14th Feb 2023 | 3 Min. To Read
Although fake documentation is something companies must contend with, there can also be instances when genuine documentation has been tampered with. Many companies and organisations assume that having a human...
| 10th Jan 2023 | 3 Min. To Read
There have always been active checks to ensure that documentation is authentic, but the complex methods used in creating false documents can mean they’re difficult to tell apart from the...
| 3rd Jan 2023 | 3 Min. To Read
Credit can be essential for many people, but why do some people find it easier to obtain credit than others? The answer lies typically within their credit score. However, many...
| 11th Oct 2022 | 3 Min. To Read
Fraud online has been a concern for some time, but the safeguarding measures in place nowadays are more complex and robust than those of the past. However, to understand the...
| 4th Oct 2022 | 3 Min. To Read
Although many people are concerned about fraud, the evolution in technology has meant that although fraud is still attempted, the counteractive measures in place are more advanced than in the...
| 29th Jun 2021 | 3 Min. To Read
For any businesses or non-commercial organisation wanting to reach out to potential customers or clients via a digital onboarding experience, there really is only one chance to get account opening...
| 27th Apr 2021 | 3 Min. To Read
The financial services industry, more than any other non-governmental organisation or regulatory body, relies on the highest standards of identity verification; both to protect its customers from criminal activity, and...