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Liveness checks

Why Companies Can Benefit from Liveness Checks

Why Companies Can Benefit from Liveness Checks

Every business wants to avoid fraud, but the complex methods used by fraudsters can sometimes make this difficult. Fortunately, there are some steps that can be taken to ensure it can minimise the risk associated with fraud. Liveness checks embrace technology and allow businesses and organisations to verify the identity of someone using document verification and biometrics. Given that most…

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ID Verification: What Checks Need to be Made?

ID Verification: What Checks Need to be Made?

Although fake documentation is something companies must contend with, there can also be instances when genuine documentation has been tampered with. Many companies and organisations assume that having a human inspect documentation is enough, but unfortunately, this isn’t the case, In addition to fraudulent documents looking closer to the real thing, there can also be instances when ID from another…

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Why Liveness Checks Are Essential

Why Liveness Checks Are Essential

There have always been active checks to ensure that documentation is authentic, but the complex methods used in creating false documents can mean they’re difficult to tell apart from the real thing. What Are Liveness Checks? Liveness checks ensure that a person attempting to register or purchase a product or service is genuine and the process does not have fraudulent…

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Financial Services and Certified Liveness

Financial Services and Certified Liveness

The financial services industry, more than any other non-governmental organisation or regulatory body, relies on the highest standards of identity verification; both to protect its customers from criminal activity, and itself from potentially fatal litigation, financial and law enforcement penalties. For this reason, banks and other financial institutions are leading exponents of new technologies embracing online ID checks. This situation…

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