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Category: Credit score


Keeping a Credit Score in Good Standing: Why Is It Essential?

| 21st Feb 2023 | 3 Min. To Read

Although initially created to help businesses decide where to issue finance, credit checks have become integral to background screening when applying for jobs. They are also used for many other...

Can a Poor Credit Score Affect a Job Offer?

| 7th Feb 2023 | 3 Min. To Read

Searching for a job is easier than ever, thanks to the Internet and its wide selection of job boards and recruitment agencies. However, those searching for suitable candidates must ensure...

What Is a Good Credit Score?

| 3rd Jan 2023 | 3 Min. To Read

Credit can be essential for many people, but why do some people find it easier to obtain credit than others? The answer lies typically within their credit score. However, many...

Who Can See My Credit Report?

| 20th Dec 2022 | 3 Min. To Read

Given its name, it is understandable why people assume that checks are only made when applying for credit, but this isn’t the case. Credit checks have become integral for confirming...

Carrying Out a Credit Check Correctly

| 8th Nov 2022 | 3 Min. To Read

Regardless of your business, there can be many reasons for carrying out a credit check. For example, those in the financial sector may use credit scoring to ensure an applicant...

Can a Credit Score Be Incorrect?

| 25th Oct 2022 | 3 Min. To Read

Given the importance of a credit score, many assume they are always correct, but this isn’t always the case. Although instances of credit scores being incorrect are rare, it does...

Students and Credit Scores

| 16th Aug 2022 | 4 Min. To Read

Credit scoring can be extremely complex and confusing for people who have never come across credit ratings before. Even if you don’t understand all of the detail around credit cards...

Adverse Credit Checks Before Taking a Job

| 9th Aug 2022 | 4 Min. To Read

We’re all familiar with having to fill in forms when applying for a new job, attending interviews, and perhaps showing your passport to prove you have the legal right to...

Credit Repair Companies

| 2nd Aug 2022 | 4 Min. To Read

Even if you don’t spend long thinking about it, your credit score can have a huge impact on your everyday life. Every financial choice you make will be affected by...

How Banks Make Lending Decisions

| 26th Jul 2022 | 4 Min. To Read

Back in 2008, the financial crash led to the loss of thousands of jobs, and the government having to step in and secure the future of banks such as the...