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Credit score

Running a Background Check on Yourself

Running a Background Check on Yourself

Congratulations! You made it through the long interview process, and you have received a job offer in the post. But at the bottom of the letter, after the important stuff about salary and holiday entitlement, is a single sentence about the offer being subject to background screening. This is becoming increasingly common in the UK and background screening refers to…

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What Does a Credit Report Show?

What Does a Credit Report Show?

A credit report summarises a person’s credit commitments and any CCJs or defaulted payments. Credit scores are updated every 45 days approximately, but in most instances, a credit report will give lenders and employers a realistic overview of a person’s financial history. There are three credit reference agencies, also called CRAs, so the information listed on each can vary. The…

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Why Does a Good Credit Score Matter?

Why Does a Good Credit Score Matter?

Credit checks are often associated with financial products, but this isn’t the only instance when they are used. As such, a good credit score is essential for several reasons. The following is an overview of when a credit check will be carried out and why a good score is necessary. A Good Credit Score Helps People Secure Lower Interest Rates…

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