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Category: Verify Online News


First Identity Documents – What’s Most Useful?

| 4th Feb 2020 | 3 Min. To Read

There is a very wide range of situations in which you might be asked to prove who you are. Opening a bank account, applying for a job, applying for benefits...

Cost of Recruitment Fraud in the UK Tops £24 Billion

| 28th Jan 2020 | 3 Min. To Read

According to a recent survey by the University of Portsmouth, the cost of recruitment fraud in the UK has reached the staggering figure of £24 billion. This figure covers the...

What Are Our Competitors Doing About Employment Vetting?

| 21st Jan 2020 | 3 Min. To Read

A recent survey by the University of Portsmouth has revealed some surprising findings about the state of recruitment fraud in the UK. The widely reported headline from the report was...

Could Artificial Intelligence Be The Answer to Recruitment Fraud?

| 14th Jan 2020 | 3 Min. To Read

We’re all becoming increasingly aware of the risks which companies are facing in terms of recruitment fraud. In one recent study, 80% of CVs were found to have some sort...

Uber Licence Refused Again

| 7th Jan 2020 | 3 Min. To Read

Uber, the app which has been changing the way the taxi market works across the world, has again had its licence to operate in London rejected. Transport for London has...

Right To Work Compliance Checks

| 31st Dec 2019 | 3 Min. To Read

The ongoing Brexit negotiations are causing high levels of uncertainty from employers about what exactly is going to happen once the UK leaves the EU. In fact, it’s still not...

Quarter of a Million People Working Illegally in China?

| 23rd Dec 2019 | 3 Min. To Read

Unsurprisingly, the British media generally concentrates on news stories about people who have come to the UK to work illegally, rather than experiences of other countries. However, this situation has...

Identity Verification and Illegal Workers

| 17th Dec 2019 | 3 Min. To Read

Details are still unravelling about exactly what happened to the 39 people who were found dead in a truck in Essex after entering the country illegally. Investigations are ongoing into...

Identity Fraudster Jailed for 5 Years

| 10th Dec 2019 | 3 Min. To Read

The growing issue of identity fraud has rarely been out of the news recently, in the wake of the bodies of 39 people being found in a truck in Essex....

Biometric Verification

| 3rd Dec 2019 | 3 Min. To Read

A recent survey has revealed just how popular biometric verification is with the general public. In recent years we have all become accustomed to opening our mobile phones or opening...