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Category: Verify Online News


Keep your identity to yourself

| 12th Jan 2021 | 3 Min. To Read

Gone are the days when forging someone else’s signature was the most common form of identity theft, but these days this art of impersonation has found far easier routes and...

Selfies Struggling to Gain Security Status

| 5th Jan 2021 | 3 Min. To Read

In the age of the selfie, it makes sense for many members of the online ID verification community that they be part of the onboarding process. With timestamps and high...

Be Gone Phishing

| 29th Dec 2020 | 3 Min. To Read

You might have heard of this new phrase on the cyber block but have never really understood what it meant. Phishing is as flaky as it sounds – it is...

Short Memories and Online Fraud

| 22nd Dec 2020 | 3 Min. To Read

In the digital age, verification of identity is an ongoing battle. Unlike previous eras, the issue of trust - be that of people or documents - is something that has...

The Rise of Deepfake

| 15th Dec 2020 | 3 Min. To Read

Artificial intelligence is widely accepted as being the development which will take online IT systems to the next level, with its massive potential to predict trends and reproduce user activity....

Make Sure Your Business is Nobody Else’s Business

| 8th Dec 2020 | 3 Min. To Read

Businesses, no matter how small, need an online presence these days, often making them fair game for cyber confident tricksters. There is no doubt that e-commerce paves the way for...

Online Verification Backlog Due to Covid

| 1st Dec 2020 | 3 Min. To Read

Government authorities and other major institutions are increasingly looking for means of identity verification online due to the social distance rules applied since the global Covid 19 outbreak. For some,...

Pushback Against Online ID Checks

| 24th Nov 2020 | 3 Min. To Read

The 2020 Covid 19 pandemic and subsequent measures to deal with it in the UK have led to a reprisal of previously touted and abandoned national ID schemes. As the...

Online ID Checks Helping Fight Coronavirus

| 17th Nov 2020 | 3 Min. To Read

One of the ironies in the current global health crisis is that people want, and may need, to have their health checked, but are advised not to physically attend clinics...

UK Government Sets Out Next Digital ID Steps

| 10th Nov 2020 | 3 Min. To Read

The covid pandemic of 2020 has produced some surprising positives alongside all the negatives. One of these positives is a boost to the profile of digital online ID verification, and...