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Protect Against Legal Claims with Document Verification

Protect Against Legal Claims with Document Verification

A business has several responsibilities to ensure clients and customers are protected, as well as other employees. As well as ensuring it is screening other companies it deals with, a company must also ensure the relevant background checks are carried out regarding new employees. Regardless of whether you’re hiring new employees or want to create a new investment opportunity for…

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5 Things to Know About Pre-Employment Checks

5 Things to Know About Pre-Employment Checks

When applying for a job, businesses and organisations will often carry out several checks depending on the type of role being used for. Pre-employment checks allow firms to screen candidates’ backgrounds and ensure they are a good fit for a position. Pre-employment checks can come in various guises, so the screening process won’t always be the same. However, the following…

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Reduce Company Costs with KYC Checks

Reduce Company Costs with KYC Checks

Know Your Customer Checks, often called KYC Checks, are identity checks that ensure the person a business is dealing with is genuine. Companies must take a series of measures to protect themselves, their customers and their employees, and KYC Checks are an essential part of the process. Businesses can find traits of fraud or money laundering by continuously reviewing accounts…

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Why Do People Use Fraudulent Documentation?

Why Do People Use Fraudulent Documentation?

Identity fraud can be frustrating and time-consuming when dealing with customers and hiring new employees. Fortunately, many advancements have made it difficult for criminals to participate in identity fraud, but this doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. As such, a business must be mindful when hiring new people or accepting investments from third parties that there are potential threats, so verifying…

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Ensure Business to Business Relationships are Streamlined with Document Verification

Ensure Business to Business Relationships are Streamlined with Document Verification

When working with or alongside other businesses, many opportunities are often created. However, a company must ensure it is safeguarded when forming relationships with other professionals, which can be quickly done via document verification. Although some businesses may pay for products or services upfront, there can be other instances when an agreement is put in place. However, should an agreement…

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ID Verification: What Checks Need to be Made?

ID Verification: What Checks Need to be Made?

Although fake documentation is something companies must contend with, there can also be instances when genuine documentation has been tampered with. Many companies and organisations assume that having a human inspect documentation is enough, but unfortunately, this isn’t the case, In addition to fraudulent documents looking closer to the real thing, there can also be instances when ID from another…

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What Background Checks Are Needed for Teachers?

What Background Checks Are Needed for Teachers?

Background checks are carried out in different ways depending on the job role. However, those working with children will be subjected to stringent background checks. The following is an overview of the assessments made when becoming a teacher and why they’re carried out. Identity Check The identity of the person applying for a position must be confirmed before accessing other…

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